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Love & Take care of yourself
May 29, 2011

More important than the clothes you wear or the makeup you put on, is to love yourself, no matter what flaws you have. So I decided to put together some simple tips & tricks that I found for you, about embracing your body and having a healthy lifestyle. You may not agree with every single thing here, but if you find one or two that apply to you then great, that's the point!

Drink a lot of water. A LOT. Water cleanses your whole system.

Don't skip breakfast. It's the most important meal and absolutely essential to start the day in a good way.

Remove all your makeup at night. Don't sleep with makeup on your face - your skin deserves to rest.

Don't know what to wear today? Grab a magazine, check some fashion blogs or simply look around. Inspiration can be found everywhere.

Go natural with the makeup, you don't need to completely hide your natural beauty.

If you want to lose weight, talk to your nutritionist or doctor. Don't starve yourself or go on crazy diets, it's not going to take you anywhere.

Your style is not your style if it doesn't reflect your personality and attitude.

If you are bored and don't have anything to do, try to make your own beauty masks, for your skin or hair. You'll save money and as you know, homemade things are the healthiest.

Try try try. You'll never know what looks good on you if you don't try, so don't be scared to experiment new things.

Good posture is essential! Walk like you're on a runway.

Add color to your wardrobe. Neutral colors like black, white, grey or brown are great of course, but don't forget about the others. They make a difference!

Exercise doesn't have to be terribly boring. Try to do it with your friends, you'll actually have fun.

If you think your outfit looks too plain or boring, add a belt or a scarf. Accessories help a lot.

Of course you have bad things, things you would like to change if you could, but you have good things as well. Try to focus on them.

SMILE! Even if you think you have bad teeth, smile. Do it.

It might sound silly, but sleeping is a great beauty tip. Give your body (and mind!) enough hours to rest.

In terms of fashion and especially makeup, less is more; always remember that.

A little black dress is always a good option, it's enough elegant and also flattering to every body shape.

Suncream is ignored by a lot of people but it's actually very important. Apply it in the morning before you leave: it will not only protect your skin (prevent premature wrinkles and skin diseases) but it can also be very useful if you wear makeup, because it will prepare your skin for the foundation, powder, etc.

Fruit and vegetables. Eat them every day (several times a day would be the best).

White eyeliner on your waterline or on the corner of your eye will make your eyes pop and look less tired.

Do not exaggerate the self tanning... If it looks fake then it's definitely not working.

High heels are a big statement! And they have the power to make girls more confident. But make sure you practice with them before leaving home.

Want a sexy look for nighttime? Try red lips and messy hair.

From time to time, exfoliate your skin to get rid of all the dead cells. Then moisturize that area and voilá.

Of course we all have flaws. But next time you look at yourself in the mirror, try to focus on the positive things, on what's good / what you like about yourself. You'll see, it's much easier and much better.

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